Thursday, March 1, 2012

Happiness List

I feel happy that I am going to Kripalu in exactly 10 days!

I feel happy that I have gotten so much work done this week.

I feel happy that I am learning to be compassionate with myself.

I feel happy that JoAnn and Marti are my friends.

I feel happy that Minnie lets me hold her.

I feel happy that Jeff hugged me and kissed me this morning.

I feel happy that I can now have beautiful music downstairs in the kitchen.

I feel happy that I can help my husband when he can't see well.

I feel happy that beautiful music is playing right now.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Happiness List

I feel happy that I was able to feed Raj this morning.

I feel happy that Minnie is sleeping so peacefully in my big comfy chair.

I feel happy for the possibility of art projects even tho I don't have the energy to do them yet.

I feel happy when Jeff hugs me.

I feel happy to think about going for a walk.

I feel happy when listening to Ashana's beautiful heavenly music.

I feel happy that I am giving myself permission to rest.

I feel happy to be playing with my new Kindle.

I feel happy that I am not taking any supplements today.

I feel happy that my blood test results are favorable.

I feel happy that I am going to make a collage right now.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Happiness List!

Today I feel happy that Raj came back and that I had food to feed him.

I feel happy that I had time and energy to play with Tori and Lissy and Shane on Saturday.

I feel happy that I have the house to myself for most of today.

I feel happy that I have money to pay the post office box bill this week.

I feel happy that three people have already indicated interest in the KSoul Assistant position.

I feel happy that my head cold is on the way OUT.

I feel happy that my Inner Sanctuary inner journeys are so powerful and real.

I feel happy that I am back in my Inner Sanctuary again.

I feel happy that we've had a mild winter so far.

I feel happy that I don't have to be on the Trainers call tomorrow.

I feel happy that there are already 4 people signed up for the Sept. Training.

I feel happy that I am writing and blogging again!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Happiness List (aka Things That Make Me Go YIPPEE!)

I feel happy today that Raj was waiting for breakfast this morning.

I feel happy that I only have two computer tasks to do today.

I feel happy that I am feeling well enough to do errands this afternoon.

I feel happy that Minnie sits on my lap every morning and lets me stroke her.

I feel happy that Minnie sat on my lap yesterday afternoon for 2 whole hours.

I feel happy to be in the same room with Suzy.

I feel happy that I am taking care of my wonky stomach.

I feel happy that Sasha was in my life for 18 years.

I feel happy that Scooter blessed my life for 12 years.

I feel happy about all the lessons I am learning.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Happiness List

Today I am happy that Raj was safe and sound on the porch.

I am happy that I felt well enough to get up and feed Suzy while Jeff slept late.

I am happy that I could put earphones in and listen to music while Jeff and the neighbor were chatting incessantly in the kitchen while I was writing in the living room.

I am happy that my muscles are not achy like they were last night.

I am happy that I don't feel as bad as I have on past Saturday-after-chemo-treatments.

I am happy that I don't have to go anywhere today.

I am happy that I remember E's birthday.

I am happy that I did deep soul writing this a.m.

I am happy that I can have mac and cheese for lunch.

I am happy that I have abundant time and space for solitude.

I am happy that I might get to see Christmas Carol this year.

Connecting Gratitude with Joy

Sanaya Roman said something in her book yesterday that called my soul to attention. She said that whenever we practice gratitude, it cleanses our aura and raises our vibration. How cool is that?

And of course... the clearer our aura becomes and the higher our vibration is, the more joy we can let in and experience. So simple, yet so profound, right?

I have been cultivating a daily practice of gratitude and I do believe it is having an affect on my joy quotient. Time will tell! My gratitude practice is based on Melody Beattie's teaching in her book, Make Miracles in Forty Days. The primary focus is offering gratitude for EVERYTHING in our lives, not just the "good stuff." I highly recommend her book and this practice.

My gratitude blog is here.

I like her practice because it involves saying "I am grateful for..." or "Thank you for..." instead of saying "I feel grateful for..." There is a huge difference. Try it and see. If your car has broken down by the side of the road and you're late for an appointment, you don't have to FEEL grateful in order to say "Thank you for this breakdown."

Of course, there are some things that we are not expected to say "thank you" for. The death of a loved one, for instance. Cruel behavior on the part of another. When my beloved cat Sasha died this past July, I couldn't bring myself to say "I am grateful that Sasha is gone." But I COULD say "I am grateful for the 18 years of love that Sasha gave me" and "I am grateful that the vet was so kind to all of us when he put her to sleep." Etc. Do you see the difference?

Gratitude definitely infuses my life with more joy, sometimes right away, and sometimes it's more of a cumulative thing. Either way, it's always good to allow gratitude to weave its shimmering threads into the fabric of your own life.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Joy in the Present Moment

I've recently come to understand something about joy... it can ONLY be felt and experienced and savored in the present moment.

Think about it...

If your thoughts are mucking it up back in the past, or flying around the future... where is there room for JOY to fit in? It's HERE and NOW, and only here and now. Look around you... what joy is there for you RIGHT NOW?

For me, I am pausing this writing.... I can feel joy in the softening afternoon sunlight, in the scent of warm cinnamon from the candle I lit earlier, in the attentive tilt of my dog's head, in the footsteps of my husband as he approaches from the stairs. I feel joy in the rhythm of my fingers on the keyboard, in the learning of this important lesson down deep in my soul.

I will be trying to focus on this... staying in the present moment... in order to be more and more open to JOY.